
First Week: Check!

I have had a good week. A great week, in fact. The week went fast after two days of training and many handshakes.

The preparation for the first week was an important key. I prepared accordingly, typical questions that passed my mind were: What will I wear? What questions will I ask? Who am I going to meet? Do I have my elevator speech ready? etc...

Besides all these questions I made a list of indispensable things I should take with me in my first day:

  1. Copy of my Resume
  2. Notepad and Pen
  3. List of names and phone numbers of people I meet through the interview process and hiring process
  4. Directions of different buildings of the company
  5. A brief description of my role and information about the company
  6. Any important document needed such as the hiring package
  7. List of questions about my role and the company

The training was very dynamic including group projects with the goal being to learn about the company and about our roles in Supply Chain.
I am very excited for what is to come, and I know I will gain tons of valuable experience. Plus, I have an amazing internship in the Global Team which means a lot of interaction with people from different parts of the world, which is something look forward to each day.

For instance, my first day at work (after the training) was all about meetings with different parts of the world. It was great! Also, I am learning about global market analysis and more.

Well, the first week is done and I can breathe a little, taking advantage of a long weekend (thanks to a holiday). Hopefully! In the midst of all of this preparation, I will be awaiting for my first individual project.

Until next time!


When you need guidance ...

Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do no lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight"

Today, I read this Proverbs and it re-confirm what is in my heart and mind. I don't understand any of this, but I do trust the Lord and so thats been a tremendous comfort. Therefore whatever happens about the internship, I am leaving it to the Lord.


Any time you make a commitment to something, it will be tested...

That happens in any number of ways:

Having to Stand Alone:
When you want to accomplish something, people will try to distract you. They will challenge you. They may even try to get you to compromise your values. It may be unintentional. It may be because they are worried that if you grow, they will feel left behind. In those moments, you need to ask yourself, "Who am I trying to please?" If you desire to please yourself by following through on your commitments to yourself, there will be times you need to stand alone.

Experiencing Failure:
Perhaps the greatest challenge to commitment is failure. "Achieving that goal is a good feeling, but to get there you have to also get through the failures. You have got to be able to pick yourself up and continue"

Facing Deep Disappointment:
Lets be honest, a lot of things can go wrong in life. How are you going to react in the face of those disappointments?

When things go wrong, when life gets rough, when the pain becomes great, will you be able to keep going? If you determine to make and keep proper commitments daily, you greatly improve your chance of being able to carry on. As Abraham Lincoln said, "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other thing."