
Sore Throat Remedies Part II

Hi Everyone,
Its been almost week and half trying to combate this sore throat.
I have been trying the salt and water and seems like its Ok'
A new thing I tried is honey. My mam told me its good for sore throat so I decided it to give it the chance and seems like it work so this is the simple recipe:

"Every morning and night take a spoon of honey with few drops of lemon"

Hope it works for you!


Sore throat remedies

Where I come from, we don't take medication unless you are close to death. Hence, home treatment is usually all that is needed for a sore throat caused by a virus. These tips may help you feel better.

  • Gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort:
    • Gargle at least once each hour with 1tsp (5g) of salt dissolved in 8fl oz of warm water.
    • If you have postnasal drip, gargle often to prevent more throat irritation